Why voice feedback matters


  • Providing voice feedback can be an effective way to give individualized feedback to each student, as it allows them to focus on specific areas of a student's work and provide specific suggestions for improvement. This can be particularly useful for providing feedback on complex or nuanced concepts, as the teacher can explain their thought process and provide examples to help the student better understand the feedback.
  • Additionally, voice feedback can help to build a stronger relationship between the teacher and student, as it can create a more personal and engaging learning experience.


  • Receiving audio feedback can help to improve their understanding and retention of the feedback they are receiving. Hearing the feedback in a teacher's own voice can make it feel more personal and can help the student to connect with the feedback on a deeper level.
  • Additionally, students can listen to the feedback multiple times and ask questions if they are unclear, which can help to ensure that they fully understand the feedback and can take action on it.

Voice for all

Overall, voice feedback can be a valuable tool for both teachers and students, as it can provide personalized and engaging feedback that can help to improve student learning and achievement.

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