Is Voice Essential for Accessibility?

We were absolutely thrilled to be invited to present at the NJEA Convention 2022 in Atlantic City, and grateful for the opportunity to share our thoughts on voice powered learning with such a fantastic community of educators! One of the sessions we presented was focused on the question of whether voice is essential for accessibility, and we are confident in our answer: absolutely!

Accessible Feedback

Voice notes make it easier for the student receiving feedback to understand what is being shared by their teacher, since they can listen to the feedback at their own pace and pick up on tone and other nuances that might be lost in written text. Audio notes can be more inclusive for learners who have difficulty reading or writing, or who may prefer to receive feedback in an audio format.

Scaffold Instruction

Mote offers the only way for teachers and students to embed audio into the body of a Google Doc - this greatly helps learners access and understand exactly what they are required to do.

Sticky Motes

By attaching sticky motes to a webpage and then sharing the link with their students, teachers can provide contextualized audio direction and support in a way that is easy to access and understand for all learners.

Read Aloud with Google Forms

Adding Mote’s voice notes into Google Forms is a great way to support real-aloud activities in the classroom, as they can help students to develop a sense of independence and confidence in their reading skills. 

10x the power of Slides with Mote

Using voice notes in Google Slides is a great way to enhance the potential for students to share their understanding of a topic, as it allows them to express their knowledge and ideas in an audio format. This can be especially helpful for students who may have difficulty putting their ideas into words, or who may be more comfortable speaking than writing.

Add your voice to the real world with QR codes

Using and creating audio QR codes is a fantastic (and easy!) way for schools to help build accessibility and community. With voice QR codes, schools can easily attach audio comments and feedback to bulletin boards, physical exercise books, and other materials, making it easy for anyone with a mobile device to scan, access and understand the information.

Accessible Websites

Voice notes created with Mote are a fun and engaging way to make websites more accessible and engaging for students and the whole school community! With Mote, you can easily embed audio directly into websites, which  makes it easy for all learners to access and understand the information. 

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