Mote Auto Read Aloud in Google Forms

If you have been using Mote to add read-aloud accommodations to Google Forms for your learners, then you'll know how useful Mote is for recording your voice so that students who need read-aloud support can hear this within the form.

However, sometimes adding read-aloud recordings to every question AND answer in a Quiz with 40 questions is a real challenge.

That's why we're now proud to offer the option to add 'Auto Read Aloud' to your Google Forms.

What's the easiest way to add Read Aloud to Google Forms?

Mote's Auto Read Aloud is the easiest way to add high quality Read Aloud within a Google Form.

How is Mote Auto Read Aloud different to regular Text to Speech?

Mote's Auto Read Aloud uses highest-quality 'neural' voices for read aloud, which are amazingly realistic. By contrast, most text-to-speech options use poor quality voices that can sound robotic.

Additionally, Mote's Auto Read Aloud is integrated within Google Forms so that students can simply click the read-aloud button next to every question, text passage and answer option. This is much easier to access than alternatives.

How do I use Mote Auto Read Aloud?

Just watch the video below to see how easy it it to use this feature - visit to get started.

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